Are you planning a podcast with guests? OR do you want to be a guest on more podcasts? This episode covers the in’s an outs of integrating guests voices and navigating this process successfully.

Edited and published by Plan Her Podcast - Purchase my book & mini course on my website, or get my help with your podcast. Find out more at

Show Highlights

1:00 - Finding & Choosing Guests

3:00 - Why you should listen to the podcasts you want to be on

5:00 - Cooperating well with guests

6:45 - Guest Pitching Products

7:30 - Prepping a guest in advance

10:22 - Honor each others time

13:30 - Managing your podcast

14:14 - Guest

15:30 - Leveraging Social Media to crush on other podcasts

17:30 - Blending perspectives


Host Recommendations

Be respectful

Honor each others time

Allow your guest to pitch

Find our what to avoid

Steer the conversation

Come to the conversation expecting they know nothing

Be ok with rabbit holes

Be prepared to learn & surprised


Guest Recommendations

Be respectful of the podcasts platform

Be on time

Ask for permission to pitch

Trust they know their audience

Listen to at last 1 episode

Check out their social media

Thank the host for sharing their platform


Edited and published by Plan Her Podcast - Purchase my book & mini course on my website, or get my help with your podcast. Find out more at