Liam McRae is the leading expert on Rapid Escalation. He teaches men how to take women on a sexual adventure in under an hour, without being creepy of sleazy. He also preaches Social Freedom: the abilty to get over your fear of what other people think and do what YOU want in life. You can't say hi to the cute girl at the bus stop if you spend all your time worrying about what the other people at the bus stop think of you!

As a coach, Liam is passionate about pushing the limits of what people think is possible, tearing a hole in the social matrix and holding it open long enough for a few other people to climb through with him.

Liam states, "For me it’s as much about changing women’s lives as it is about helping men: there are so many women out there waiting to go on a sexual/romantic adventure, and I love the idea that I’m helping guys create those experiences for themselves and also for the women they meet."