How do you bridge the gap between creativity and order? How does an artist sell their art when they often lack business savvy? How does an entrepreneur ensure their business has both creative vision and structured systems?

These 2 energies are often at odds with each other. But, my guest on this episode of The PK Experience, is Catherine Orer, aka The Artist Entrepreneur, and she has discovered the balance between the two.

Listen in as she details how artists and creatives can achieve significant financial growth while staying true to their heart.

More about Catherine Orer

Catherine Orer is an award-winning Business & PR Strategist and founder of The Artist Entrepreneur, where she counsels professional visual artists and creative entrepreneurs who want to build sustainable businesses and careers.

After working as a PR professional for multinational corporations, Catherine began studying the business of art at Christie's Education and working in contemporary Parisian art galleries.

She later worked in a critically acclaimed gallery serving the North American art market, where she represented artists at international art fairs and worked with them one-on-one. This experience gave her the versatility and network to create The Artist Entrepreneur.

She is known for giving her clients the reality check they need to get the results they want.Her clients say that she “totally gets it” and “makes things happen” by “bridging the gap between creativity and being business savvy.” One artist even called her “the best investment in her career.”

Catherine holds a degree in Communications and Public Relations from the University of Québec in Montréal, and completed her education in the business of art at the prestigious auction house, Christie’s, in Paris.

She currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Sylvie and Simon Blais Foundation, devoted to promoting the work of contemporary artists, and lives in the beautiful small town of Bromont, Canada with her husband and two young children.