Guru Pournima celebrating our human potential to rise to glorious states of consciousness

Guru Pournima is ancient tradition. It is celebrated in the honour of Sage Vyasa who is supposed to have completed the compilation of Brahma Sutras on that specific full-moon day in the lunar calendar more than 3,000 years ago. 

Are you thinking what is so special about the compilation of Brahma Sutras?

Do you know what the Brahma Sutras are? 

They are pithy, brief descriptions of profound enlightened states of consciousness of sages.

'Sarvam Khalvidham Brahma' is one Brahma Sutra.

Let us briefly look into what this Brahma Sutra means.

It means that - All that exists is Brahman.

Brahman is the one indivisible field of consciousness. This Brahma Sutra says- All that exists is the one indivisible field of consciousness.

Can you imagine the depth of this Brahma Sutra?

All that exists- means the physical universe at the micro level of the strings and the Quarks - to the visible level of objects and bodies - to the macro level of galaxies and multi dimensional universes - all are Brahman - All is the one indivisible consciousness.

The single celled bacteria, to the blue whales, the rain forests with animals and all humanity is Brahman; All is the one indivisible consciousness.

All the Devas, the Asuras and the Spirits that pervade other Lokaas too are Brahman. All is the indivisible unitary consciousness.

Can you conceive the grandeur of this enlightened state of consciousness that each of us as human beings is capable of? And how mysterious is it, that such a grand state could be summed into 3 words?

'Sarvam Khalvidham Brahma'

That is the power of this one Brahma Sutra. 

Sage Vyasa is supposed to have gathered the enlightenment experiences of numerous sages and compiled them into 134 Brahma Sutras. 

A Sage like that who has left for humanity reminders of their transcendental dimensions definitely deserves a space of honour for all time.

Of course, it does not mean that there are only 134 enlightened states of consciousness. There are innumerable states. And the vedic tradition is open to acknowledging every enlightened state of consciousness that may arise in anyone at any time as legit.

That is why, they said 'Anantaavai Veda' - which means 'Veda is Endless'. They did not say - that only experiences that happened until this period of time are accepted and the rest are fake. The vedic tradition never ended at all. So long as human beings continue to experience enlightened states of consciousness - the vedic tradition lives on. 

When you celebrate Guru Pournima, you are celebrating Sage Vyasa's stupendous work. You are also celebrating the potential of your own consciousness to rise above the limited life to rise to glorious states of Enlightenment.