When there’s a glitch in your thinking, you need a programmer who is infinitely more powerful.

To uninstall defective programs in your mind, you need a greater power, A power beyond your mind


If your computer or phone gets hung, you sometimes uninstall all the external software’s and then reinstall them again. And then the system begins to work perfectly.

What do you do if your mind gets hung? What do you do if it gets stuck in a space where it is not able to do intelligent thinking?  Let us go into it now. 

Most people actually are unclear about what the connection between the mind and the brain is.

In simple terms, we can look at Our brain as the hardware and the software is the mind.

So what is the mind? The mind is its thoughts, it’s beliefs, it’s memories, perceptions and it’s views. mind is basically old. Since it is old, it is also mechanical.

If you have noticed all feelings, emotions and opinions actually they are based on memories.  That is why we have the same feelings and same emotions that goes repeating again and again. It repeats within us over the years.

the bugs in the hard ware of the mind are suffering states.

When any of your mind files become corrupt with suffering states, you get bugged. Let us say you got hurt  with a loved one - some of your fond personal memories with  that person actually goes corrupt.  A memory that was beautiful in the past could now get distorted and you feel you were naïve, you feel you were cheated to have believed in that person’s love until then. You in-fact imagine that you were manipulated all these years!  You feel ashamed about the love, you feel ashamed about the trust you held.

Like some viruses that probably begin with corrupting one file, and then go on to corrupt the whole system and make it crash, this bug of emotional hurt also spreads into every other relationship in life and actually leads you to total depression.

Every suffering state be it anger, fear, disappointment, can become bugs that can corrupt the system of the mind.

So what is the sign that a mind file is corrupt in you ?

Whenever you feel unbearable thought noise or your  thinking become extremely chaotic,

whenever your thinking does not allow your unwise reactions towards others to slow down,

When ever your over active mind does not allow you to sleep,

When your inner noise does not allow you to sit still-

You know one of your mind files has gone corrupt.

you need to repair this situation immediately before the whole mind system crashes- taking down relationships, taking down your career, your joy, your life's meaning. Before it takes down everything in your life you need to attend to it. 

To uninstall defective programs in your mind, you need a greater power, A power beyond your mind. The power of consciousness

If you are in a slippery deep pit, You actually cannot pull yourself out of by tugging at your own hair-you need someone who is strong from the outside to pull you out of it.

Just so- to stop this incessant thought noise generated by your suffering states you need to access the power beyond the mind-you need the power of your consciousness.

Consciousness is ever present presence. It is living intelligence. It is a field of infinite possibilities. It is the divine, it is the sacred. 

When you are awakened to the limitless power of consciousness, you see through the limitations of your mind.  You transcend the mind. You also heal the mind.