Stoner Pisces, you are able to get along with almost everyone. Afterall, you are the kind and fun-loving Fish, ready to share a bowl, and your positive wavelengths, with all those who wade into your nearby waters. But not everyone will be attracted or impressed by your overflowing optimism. Don’t waste time worrying about a … Continue reading Pisces Stoner Horoscope June →

Stoner Pisces, you are able to get along with almost everyone. Afterall, you are the kind and fun-loving Fish, ready to share a bowl, and your positive wavelengths, with all those who wade into your nearby waters. But not everyone will be attracted or impressed by your overflowing optimism. Don’t waste time worrying about a few crabby critics stoner Pisces. In the metaphorical bag of life, it won’t take you long to figure out which people are the sweet, stoney nugs that add flavor and feeling, and those who are like the sticks and stems that everyone would rather avoid. So don’t waste time trying to convince the skeptics. You’ve got big ideas, and an even bigger heart, share them both with those who will appreciate them most.

Stoner Pisces, as you move towards the Summer Solstice eagerly welcoming warmer days and clear blue skies, be mindful that the weather might not be the only thing that’s heating up. Tensions in the workplace are expected to hit record highs as hot tempers rise. Even you stoner Pisces, with your easy going approach to most situations and people, may find yourself in conflict with your peers. You can do your part to restore the peace by picking up the pipe, and putting down your grudges. But, sometimes it can take more than meditating with the sacred herb to shake off bad vibes. Seek out a four-twenty friendly mentor at work, or turn to a cannabis confidant for an outside perspective. Stoner Pisces, sometimes it takes filtering your feelings through someone else’s lens to better see how your own actions are contributing to the conflict; and thus, to realize your role in getting everyone grooving together again.

My friendly Fish, there’s comfort in finding like-minded cannabis comrades to spend time with, and share your special stash. Those you call your stoner fam; the ones you know it’s always safe for you to let your guard down around, and be your goofy, ganja-loving self. While it might be the things that you have in common which first brings you together, it is the diversity of ideas and personalities that helps grow lasting connections. Stoner Pisces, perhaps you and your cannabis companions endlessly argue over whether Indica or Sativa are better. Maybe you proclaim the superiority of organically grown outdoor buds, while they believe that high octane hydroponics is the only way to go.  However fun they are to debate, those are the things that don’t really matter. What matters most is that years from now, when you look back on this Summer, you remember all the good green, and the great people you smoked them with.