Stoner Pisces, the month begins in the shadow of Mercury in retrograde. This means little things that would not normally get to you could feel like full fledged crisis. You may even find yourself becoming annoyed by your closest partners in chronic. Their quirks you usually find endearing, might cause you to tear out your … Continue reading Pisces Stoner Horoscope February →

Stoner Pisces, the month begins in the shadow of Mercury in retrograde. This means little things that would not normally get to you could feel like full fledged crisis. You may even find yourself becoming annoyed by your closest partners in chronic. Their quirks you usually find endearing, might cause you to tear out your hair. My stoner Fish, keep in mind your own emotional response to others as you move through February. If things do get tense between you and a cannabis companion, don’t be afraid to take a break. Grab your favorite piece, top shelf buds, and find a quiet place to toke alone. Solo smoke sessions are not just recommended, they will be required for this month stoner Pisces. It can be nice to share a bowl for two, but sometimes you just need to spend time by yourself; to relax, recreate with the reefer, and reflect on what is really causing you grief. 

With all the confusion being magnified by peculiar planetary processes, it will take extra effort in the work sphere, and acute attention to detail to keep daily operations running smoothly. Stoner Pisces as long as you and the team keep lines of communication open and honest, you will be able to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary setbacks. At work, put down the pipe. At least until you make it through to the last week of February, work should be a strictly smoke-free zone. A bowl or two at home in the evenings can help you unwind and process the events of the day. But, when you’re on the clock, you will need a fresh mind to troubleshoot unexpected issues, and the resolve to make sure the job gets done right.

Stoner Pisces the early days of the month might be overstimulated, filled with more intense emotions than even you are prepared for. But, keep calm and smoke on. By the middle of the month the cosmos will bring you renewed resolve and your emotions will return to more manageable levels. Don’t squander this windfall of creative energy. Moments spent alone, meditating with the sacred herb, can also be an opportunity to muse and let your imagination wander. Once you have rediscovered your cosmic groove, and you’re ready to rejoin the social smoke scene, your cannabis companions will be excited to see you, and all of your fresh, stoney creations.