Stoner Pisces, although it’s peak Summer, not every day will be filled with fun in the sun. You may feel tempted at times to call out from work, and hit the open road in search of secluded smoke spots to toke a break from the daily grind.  Unfortunately, you still have business to handle my … Continue reading Pisces Stoner Horoscope August →

Stoner Pisces, although it’s peak Summer, not every day will be filled with fun in the sun. You may feel tempted at times to call out from work, and hit the open road in search of secluded smoke spots to toke a break from the daily grind. 

Unfortunately, you still have business to handle my slippery Fish.  Rent is still due, bills need to be paid, and when it comes to cannabis, you still have to buy it before you can burn it.

A persistent prescription of meditation and medical-grade green will be a critical part to the stoner Pisces’ routine throughout August. 

It might sound like a contradiction at first:  How can you be expected to sit still when there is so much to do? Remember that meditation is more than just sitting quietly by yourself in a hazy room. These moments spent with sacred sinsemilla are a time to reflect on what’s working, and what you want to change.

Stoner Pisces, the prospect of working the Summer away might sound daunting, and disheartening at first, but with diligence, and a little elevated thinking, you will be able to transform the dull into the doable; to remake the mundane into the manageable. 

Although you can’t always change what tasks get put on your to-do list, you CAN control how you approach getting them done. 

Sometimes cannabis is used as an escape stoner Pisces.  A launchpad to lift off, and leave behind reality for astral heights. But, it can also be a grounding influence.  A catalyst for rediscovering your center, and reigniting your inner light. 

Inhale the calming vapors of the sacred herb, and dive deep beneath your own chaotic currents stoner Pisces. Allow yourself time for the cosmic waves to calm. When you resurface, your spirit will be reenergized, your determination renewed, and you will be ready to finish the month on a high note.

Stoner Pisces, the goal during this Summer season is not just to survive, but to thrive! Allow your creative waves to flow through you, and channel them into whatever you endeavor, however meaningful or mundane the task may be. 

Trust in your sacred cannabis copilot to inspire you, and guide you through your interests.

Instead of running away from your to-do list stoner Pisces, face it head on. Remember my stoney fish:  Once you have finished the tasks you MUST get done, you will be free to pursue all the passion projects you WANT to get done.