Previous Episode: Pisces August 2017
Next Episode: Pisces October 2017

As we say farewell to summer, Stoner Pisces, you can expect your days to be slow-rolling. Now would be a good time to take that last camping trip of the season, or plan a special smoke-out session with your best buds. With tasks at work presenting few substantial obstacles, you will have plenty of energies … Continue reading Pisces September 2017 →

As we say farewell to summer, Stoner Pisces, you can expect your days to be slow-rolling. Now would be a good time to take that last camping trip of the season, or plan a special smoke-out session with your best buds. With tasks at work presenting few substantial obstacles, you will have plenty of energies to invest on having just a little bit more fun before autumn arrives. If somehow you do find yourself stressing over any particular issue, take a moment and spend some time with your favorite piece, it may just be the remedy and reminder that helps you realize your own inner peace.

Once you have taken the necessary steps to get yourself grounded, you will be a great source of support to those around you. Co-workers will notice your increased abilities to rise to the occasion, and to rise above the fray. The best approach to challenges that might require creative solutions will be to team up with your peers. Perhaps, outside the workplace, workers can get together under more relaxed settings and share a bowl and share ideas. While this would mean working off the clock, it could help to inspire a better sense of camaraderie and the opportunities to come up with novel approaches to old problems.

You should feel confident, Stoner Pisces, that whatever path you find yourself on, you will ultimately reach your final destination. With that being said, it will be okay if you decide to do a little trail-blazing of your own, and blaze one up in uncharted territory. However, it will be advised that you use the buddy system if embarking upon unexpected adventures. Firstly, it is much nicer to be able to share that sacred herb with our stoner friends. But, more importantly, it is always good to have a friendly pair of hands to help us back to our feet, if we do stumble along the way.