Previous Episode: Pisces July 2016
Next Episode: Pisces September 2016

Stoner Pisces, you’ve encountered great successes and accomplishments during the first half of 2016.  Your energies reached new heights as spring warmed to summer.  Now that the sun is here to stay, at least for a while, it will be crucial that you keep focused on your past achievements and future goals.  Although the weather … Continue reading Pisces August 2016 →

Stoner Pisces, you’ve encountered great successes and accomplishments during the first half of 2016.  Your energies reached new heights as spring warmed to summer.  Now that the sun is here to stay, at least for a while, it will be crucial that you keep focused on your past achievements and future goals.  Although the weather is good you can expect the universe to challenge you to keep your cool.  But, don’t trip…take a rip.  That sweet smell of our sacred herb will help to remind you of what is most important.  At times a smoky brain can cause us to be sluggish or to become distracted.  In your case the pipe can help to tip your perspective into the side of positivity.

In the workplace you will need to take care of your business before offering a helping hand to coworkers.  While some do best with group projects, tackling tasks solo is your strong suit Pisces.  Jot down your to-dos and cross them off your list one at a time.  It may be best to keep the cannabis at home, however.  Separating work and relaxation time will allow you to decipher what troubles are external or which are self-inflicted.  You can expect work will not come easy, but you will get done everything you wish as long as you keep moving forward.  Only after you have burned through all that you need to get done should you offer help to your peers.

Simply because someone understands your way of thinking does not mean that the person agrees with you.  So, share the cannabis not the confrontation especially if you and your partner may are the best of buds.  Taking a hike will only make it more enjoyable when you decide to take a hit.  But, remember stoner fish, you don’t have to share everything with your lover or family members.  It is okay to take a toke when you are by yourself.  And if you are honest about it Pisces, you may even prefer soaking up some sunny rays with no one around for miles.