Rick and Morty “Pilot” Welcome to the Pilots and Petards Podcast! the podcast with nothing much ado about aircrafts, but potentially everything ado with first episodes of a filmic series. Join us today as we cast judgement and determine if the animated dark horror sci fi adventure comedy Rick and Morty  will be hoisted, or... Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty “Pilot”

Welcome to the Pilots and Petards Podcast! the podcast with nothing much ado about aircrafts, but potentially everything ado with first episodes of a filmic series. Join us today as we cast judgement and determine if the animated dark horror sci fi adventure comedy Rick and Morty  will be hoisted, or not hoisted: that is the question!


Cheat Sheet:

Petard = bomb
Hoist a pilot = bad episode
Not hoist a pilot = good episode

Show Notes

Episode Intro and Announcements: Follow our blog so you can contribute to the pre-recording discussions. You can also subscribe to us on your local podcast app. And if you want to help us out, tell your friends about us. Send us fan mail or other thoughtful communications and we may discuss that in future announcements and or shop talk.

Background: Fitz choose Rick and Morty because it’s funny and dark. He a fan of HP lovecraft, and likes animated shows *not anime*. He especially likes the attention to detail and subversion of Genre Tropes, along with the insertion of philosophy. It’s weird and smart and he likes the characters in the show.

Summary: Rick is a always super drunk and scientist with the ability to travel through time and different dimensions. For whatever reason, he needs him grandson Morty to accompany him on his missions and travels. For weeks now Rick has been removing Morty from school to run these wacky shenanigans. Rick and Morty get caught when the principal contacts Morty’s parents, Jerry and Beth. Rick is about to be sent to a care home but at the last minute he scams his way out from the side effects of Morty keistering a couple pineapple sized pits from another world.

High Points: a lot… the absurdity, the intro and theme music, and it was FUNNY

Low Points: non Doc and Morty characters, Rick’s burping and drooling

Crabman Award: Glen by unanimous desicion.

MVPs: Rick, Morty, and Jerry and Beth.

Dangling Threads of Interest: Back to the Future and Doc and Mharti origins; Dan Harmon’s MeToo movement; what universe is this? and education 2+2=4,“school isn’t a place for smart people”

Watch or Rewatch: unanimous watch

To Hoist or Not to Hoist?: strong not hoist

Quest for the Best/Worst:


Back to the Future
South Park
Whiting Wongs
Space Jam

Next Week: One Tree Hill

Plugs: Pilots and Petards official closing music is an instrumental Entheos remix of Alive. Intro, outro, and ad background music mixed by Jake Drew. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or join our facebook group.

Shop Talk: Facebook and Reptillian MZ



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