A few weeks ago Jimbo predicted that This Is Us would make a run for the best pilot ever. See if This Is Us lives up to its popularity!

This Is Us “Pilot


The Pilots and Petards Podcast! The podcast with nothing much ado about aircrafts, and potentially everything ado with first episodes of a filmic series. Join us today as we cast judgement on the immensely popular family drama this is us will be hoisted, or not hoisted: as always that is the question!

Cheat Sheet:

Petard = bomb
Hoist a pilot = bad episode
Not hoist a pilot = good episode

Show Notes

Episode Intro and Announcements: Follow our blog and contribute to the pre-recording discussions. Subscribe to us on your local podcast app. If you want to help leave us a review on itunes/apple podcast or tell your friends about us.

Background: All three of your hoisters have watched at least the first season.

Summary: The intergenerational story of the Pearson family unfolds as Rebecca and Jack are expecting triplets.  This storytelling jumps from the date of their birth and 36 years later as we see a successful business executive find his biological father who left him at a fire station all that time ago, and a brother and sister living in Hollywood dealing with fundamental unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life. Grabs you kleenex this story gets real and tugs those heart strings!

High Points: 3 Dimensional Character Development; brisk efficient storytelling with a ton of showing and not telling; and past/present story telling.

Alyssa Low Points: Using Wikipedia to misleading the viewers; Kevin; and the dialogue getting dangerously close to sappy and corny.

Crabman Award: by split decision the Fireman

MVPs: Dr. K and the death scene.

Dangling Threads of Interest: white people adopting black kids and the eating disorder anonymous scene.

Watch or Rewatch: two yeses and a no.

To Hoist or Not to Hoist?: super solid not hoist

Quest for the Best/Worst: Click here to see the full list and the new #2!


Major Dad
Black Panther
A Walk to Remember

Next Week: Rick and Morty

Plugs:Plugs: Pilots and Petards official closing music is an instrumental Entheos remix of Alive. Intro, outro, and ad background music mixed by Jake Drew. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or join our facebook group.

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