Learn the beauty of one the strongest views of respect in the world from the Wiradjuri people "Yindyamarra" and being in a world worth living in. Reconciliation of Indigenous Cultures, a movement, acknowledging and respect for culture and country. Culture is "telling you what the world is like." What is Ontological Authority? Respect is a fundamental for life. Respect means we have to consider the world first, and how we relate to the world within nature and science, stemming from 70,000 year old cultures of knowledge and deep understanding. Respect for design, it is alive. Understanding trans-generational trauma! Crimes in the past have to be looked at to understand crimes causing biological damage. Learn ways of incorporating concepts and programs of relational education and connective art. We are in a "Culture of Repair" a strong set of stories as it relates to the earth and it helps us relate to world.