PiCast Episode 25 - Civil War and the MCU


We finally saw Captain America : Civil War! I can’t believe we waited so long to see it, but hey, we’ve been pretty busy! Obviously the movie was great. We grabbed Jordan and talked our way through the movie and the entire MCU. Jordan is pretty soft spoken, but we have a good conversation! There are so many great movies that our memories of the plot points may be a little off! Please remind us of anything we got wrong or that you disagree with! We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Are you Team Cap or Team IronMan? DId you change your mind after the film? Who is your favorite Avenger? Did you Miss Thor and Hulk? Talk to us!!!

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On this episode

#Marvel #MCU #CaptainAmerica #CivilWar #Avengers #IronMan #Disney #AOS #AgentsOfSheld #AgentCarter