Kortney, like the other PD coaches, has been a PD client for over a year. We saw great promise and potential in her and even met up with her when she was living in Arizona back in January. Alex left that meeting and told Sue, "I think one day she will make a great addition to PD." And here we are, less than a year later and it’s HAPPENING!

Kortney's passion for nutrition and fitness began seven years ago as a freshman at Indiana University. With a naturally inquisitive spirit and drive for continuous improvement, Kortney decided to build a lifestyle around improving her health and physique.

Kortney was fascinated by the incredible, dynamic nature of our bodies but struggled to know what was "truth" from reading so much information online. For a few years, she naively adhered to widespread (but inaccurate) rules to try and stay in shape, and allowed herself very little time for rest. These habits eventually wrought havoc on her system: chronically elevating her stress hormones, disrupting her reproductive system, and diminishing her ability to be fully present.

Now, her health has never been better. Her knowledge as a fitness nutrition specialist, mentorship from Alex, and anecdotal experiences have intensified her mission to teach others about good nutrition, intelligent exercise, and genuine recovery. She aspires to help clients tune in to their bodies and steadily make sustainable change to look and feel exceptional. Kortney has her Precision Nutrition Level 1 cert and is finishing up her NASM certification and lives in Chicago near her fiancé, Kevin.

Get to know Kortney a little better as Coach Sue takes her through an interview in this week’s episode of the Physique Development Podcast!

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To follow the team on Instagram:

Coach Alex - @alexbush__

Coach Austin - @austincurrent_

Coach Sue - @suegainz

Coach Kortney - @kortneyriedyy

Physique Development - @physiquedevelopment_

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Produced by: David Margittai | In Post Media

Website: https://www.inpostmedia.com

Email: [email protected]

© 2020, Physique Development LLC. All rights reserved.