Some of our clients track scale weight and some don’t. Gauging progress on your fitness journey can be a challenging thing to manage. You’re met with roadblocks, setbacks, and times where you think you should be progressing and nothing is happening. We take a look at things you should be tracking, whether with your coach, or with your clients, and ways of looking at progress as a moving target throughout your journey.

Performing deloads is something that falls neatly into your training program periodization over time to ensure that you are taking needed breaks from your training, and continue to create progress over time. We dig into what a deload is, differences in terminology, and ways of implementing them, regardless of your training age.

Sleep is the most important thing you will do -- well, second to maybe breathing and drinking water (but some could argue here). In this fast-paced environment we live in each day, sleep is not usually the first thing we are eager about. Endless task lists keep us up till all hours of the night and we choose something else over getting quality sleep. Listen to us dig into the ins and outs and highlight the benefits of maximizing your sleep.

(1:30) - How Can We Successfully Gauge Our Progress?

(16:30) - Should We Be Performing Deloads? How Should We Implement Them?

(43:10) - What Are the Ins & Outs & Benefits of Maximizing Sleep?

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Coach Alex - @alexbush__

Coach Austin - @austincurrent_

Coach Sue - @suegainz

Physique Development - @physiquedevelopment_

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Produced by: David Margittai | In Post Media


Email: [email protected]

© 2020, Physique Development LLC. All rights reserved.