Speakers:  Leanne Loranger and Cheryl Blahut

In this episode Cheryl and Leanne talk about records release to other parties and the common themes that come up when complaints or concerns come to the College regarding records release.

How are concerns about records release addressed by the College? How long does the physiotherapist have to provide a copy of a chart once a request has been received? What fee can be charged for the chart copy? What does the physiotherapist need to include in a complete chart copy?


Even though the physical document is the property of the physiotherapist or physiotherapy business, the information contained in the patient record belongs to the patient. If the patient or someone acting on the patient’s behalf requests a copy of the record, the physiotherapist or physiotherapy business must provide it.


Check out this episode to learn more about common issues related to records release and how to avoid challenging situations.



Privacy Guide for Alberta Physiotherapists - https://www.cpta.ab.ca/for-physiotherapists/resources/guides-and-guidelines/privacy-guide/


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