One of the most common topics of the questions brought to the College is that of privacy and the legislative and regulatory requirements that physiotherapists must meet in relation to patient privacy. With physiotherapists subject to as many as four different pieces of privacy legislation depending on their area of practice and patient population, it’s easy to understand why.

In this episode of College Conversations, Sean and Leanne complete a brief review of privacy legislation in Alberta, the core principles that they share, and the differences between different pieces of legislation. In the second half of the episode, they answer some frequently asked and recent challenging questions that the College has received.

Leanne and Sean also highlight the many resources available, both through the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta and from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta, to help physiotherapists navigate the complicated world of privacy in physiotherapy practice.


·       Privacy Standard

·       Privacy Guide

·       Leaving a Practice Guide

·       OPIC Video Surveillance in the Private Sector

·       OPIC Bring Your Own Device Resources


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