Speakers:  Leanne Loranger and Jody Prohar

The Standards of Practice for Physiotherapists in Alberta are being revised, with updated Standards intended to be adopted in 2023. In this episode, Jody and Leanne talk about the core documents of the profession, the legislation governing practice, Bylaws, Code of Ethical Conduct, and the Standards as well as the purpose of each of these documents. The process the College used for revising the Standards and the data considered when making the proposed changes is described in detail.

Each regulated physiotherapist is responsible for their conduct and for meeting the expectations articulated in the Standards and other foundational documents. Defenses like “I didn’t know the rules,” “my colleague said it was OK,” or “those were the rules when I graduated” are not acceptable, so take the time to get to know the Standards and watch for changes in the future.


Standards of Practice for Alberta Physiotherapists. https://www.cpta.ab.ca/for-physiotherapists/regulatory-expectations/standards-of-practice/ Governing Legislation. https://www.cpta.ab.ca/for-physiotherapists/regulatory-expectations/governing-legislation/ Code of Ethical Conduct. https://www.cpta.ab.ca/for-physiotherapists/regulatory-expectations/code-of-ethics/


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