In this thought-provoking episode, we welcome Katherine Lewis, an exceptional leader whose life story is a testament to resilience and transformation. As the host of the "Opportunity Made" podcast and the driving force behind The Leon Foundation of Excellence, Katherine has dedicated her life to empowering youth and adults alike to heal and grow beyond intergenerational trauma.

Our conversation begins with Katherine's personal journey – a powerful narrative of finding her purpose amidst struggles with perfectionism, workaholism, and a quest for affirmation. This candid discussion reveals how she bravely faced her own past, including a poignant reconciliation with her father after 13 years of separation, and how these experiences fueled her passion for helping others.

Katherine's multifaceted career path, from teaching to software engineering, and her advocacy for accessibility and leadership in employee resource groups, offer a unique perspective on adapting and thriving in various fields. She will share her insights on making impactful career transitions, and the importance of embracing change as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

In an enlightening segment, we will explore the importance of healing intergenerational trauma. Katherine will shed light on how this healing process is crucial for personal development and the cultivation of strong, supportive communities.

Furthermore, Katherine will delve into the intersection of technology and education, highlighting the critical need for the tech industry to include and champion the disability community. She believes in the transformative power of technology as a tool for inclusivity and progress.

Listeners will also gain valuable advice on how to foster meaningful relationships and build strong networks that support both personal and professional growth. Katherine's approach to relationships is rooted in authenticity, understanding, and mutual growth.

To wrap up, Katherine will answer some pressing questions: Why does understanding and healing intergenerational trauma matter? How can one pivot and excel in any career? What can the tech industry gain from the disability community? And how can we all create new opportunities for ourselves and others?

To connect with Katherine, visit her website:

Disclaimer: Not advice. Educational purposes only. Not an endorsement for or against. Results not vetted. Views of the guests do not represent those of the host or show. Do your due diligence.

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