Professional burnout is occurring more frequently at an alarming rate in our society today. It is becoming more prevalent in the professions of medicine, law, and business. In this episode, we bring on Dr. Sharon Grossman based out of Silicon Valley, who is a professional career coach specializing in helping successful professionals recover from burnout. We discuss the epidemic of burnout, symptoms, causes, and cures, and what to do about it. You will also hear from our show sponsor Advice Media - Bio: Dr. Sharon Grossman is a qualified Success Coach, Clinical Psychologist, author, speaker, wife and mother of two. For the past two decades, Dr. Grossman has worked on improving the health and well-being of high achievers who so often sacrifice their self-care as a result of work demands and get caught up with everyone else’s expectations that they end up burning out at alarming rates. Dr. Sharon Grossman is the author of The 7E Solution to Burnout and is an Emotional Intelligence expert. She holds a doctorate degree in Psychology, has extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and 20 years of experience helping her clients take back control of their lives. Show links 1. Free webinar -  2.  3. Dr. Sharon Grossman's book - The 7E Solution to Burnout - Like, comment, share, and subscribe to the podcast and get notified of future weekly episodes!