Digital nomadism is a term that is commonly referred to where one lives, works, and travels in any location of the world. Digital nomads frequently have run their online businesses through a laptop, smart phone, and internet connection. Additionally, they embody the four types of freedom, namely financial, time, location, and emotional freedom.

In this episode, we bring on the show, Dr. Chelsea Turgeon, a former OB-GYN who left her medical career during residency to travel the world and work remotely as a digital nomad. She now works as a career coach helping burnt out healthcare workers pivot out of clinical medicine. Using her signature method The Career Fulfillment Formula, she helps her clients find a financially stable career they truly enjoy. In this episode, we discuss the importance of listening to your intuition, taking the straight pre-determined versus taking a leap of faith, her recent book launch, "Residency Dropout", and further resources to help you become a digital nomad, or build an online business.

Show notes and resources:

1."Residency Drop Out" 

2. Dr. Chelsea Turgeon's website

3. "The 4-Hour Work Week" - Tim Ferriss

4.Chelsea Turgeon's contact - [email protected]