Travis Hansen is the director of the Reno Speed School in Reno, Nevada. He’s currently the leading authority on speed development for the International Sports Sciences Association, and has worked with athletes of all ages and abilities. In this show, Travis and I talk about his minimalistic approach to coaching acceleration, the biggest programming mistakes […]

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Travis Hansen is the director of the Reno Speed School in Reno, Nevada. He’s currently the leading authority on speed development for the International Sports Sciences Association, and has worked with athletes of all ages and abilities.

In this show, Travis and I talk about his minimalistic approach to coaching acceleration, the biggest programming mistakes he sees with speed training, and the role low-level plyos can play in your program.

Show Outline

Here’s a brief overview of what was covered in this show:

My best tip for improving your speed coaching (and everyone can start doing this ASAP!).
How Travis got started in physical preparation.
How his start as a point guard in basketball got him interested in speed development.
The evaluation process Travis takes his athletes through.
The super simple, yet highly effective acceleration progression he uses with his athletes.
Travis’ thoughts on top-speed training, and how to coach and cue it effectively.
The biggest issues he sees with regards to not only coaching, but programming for speed training.
High-frequency plyos – what role do ankling and agility ladder drills have in a program?
The BIG Question.
The lightning round, where we discuss what Travis is excited about with regards to training, the book(s) he’s reading right now, and his favorite athlete to watch sprint.

Related Links

Connect with Travis

Speed Encyclopedia

Books Referenced

The Sports Gene
Key Concepts Elite

The post Physical Preparation with Travis Hansen appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.