Quinn Henoch is a DPT from the University of Indianapolis, and is the head of sports rehabilitation for Juggernaut HQ in Orange County, California. He is also the founder of ClinicalAthlete.com, which is a network of health care professionals who understand the performance-based needs of athletes. In this show, Quinn Henoch and I talk about […]

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Quinn Henoch is a DPT from the University of Indianapolis, and is the head of sports rehabilitation for Juggernaut HQ in Orange County, California. He is also the founder of ClinicalAthlete.com, which is a network of health care professionals who understand the performance-based needs of athletes.

In this show, Quinn Henoch and I talk about the importance of monitoring training loads, why you shouldn’t be afraid of injuries, and the biggest issues he sees with both power and Olympic lifters.

Show Outline

Here’s what we covered in this show:

How Quinn got into the world of physical preparation, and physical therapy.
How he got started helping meatheads move and feel better.
The big rocks of overarching philosophy that he adheres to.
The biggest issues he sees with Olympic lifters, and how he addresses them.
The issues he sees with powerlifters, and his strategy for getting them right.
How he sells the breathing element of treatment and therapy to his meathead clients.
Quinn toughest cases as a therapist.
The BIG Question.
The lightning round, where we discuss the differences between Cali and Kentucky, the books he reading right not, and his biggest struggles as a therapist.

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Clinical Athlete

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Quinn Henoch Twitter
Quinn Henoch Instagram
Clinical Athlete YouTube


Scientific Principles of Strength Training

The post Physical Preparation with Quinn Henoch appeared first on Robertson Training Systems.

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