Today on the Photo Apps Podcast, getting model releases may not be fun, but they sure are important. And with Easy Release, they are definitely easy. 

Property and model releases are critical for any type of commercial work, including advertising, marketing or even stock photography — and potentially even for using the photo on your own website! Getting a release created and signed, then delivered to the model or property owner or client or agency can be a lot of steps that are too easily overlooked. And unfortunately if you don’t get the release, then you didn't really get the shot — because you won’t be able to use it. The iOS and Android app Easy Release makes this, well, easy. In just a few taps, you can generate legal model and property releases, in multiple languages, which are accepted by the biggest stock agencies, and have your models sign on the spot, right on your handheld device. Join me and Robert Giroux, the creator of Easy Release, to learn all about it.

twitter: @easyrelease

We hope you enjoy the PhotoApps.Expert podcast, and be sure to watch other episodes to learn about many of the other photo apps available today!

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