Today on the PhotoApps Podcast, we explore one app that has captured the heart of many pro photographers; Capture One Pro.

Phase One Capture One Pro

The landscape of digital asset managers (or DAM), the photo app we rely on to manage, organize, and ideally edit our images, isn’t particularly wide or deep. Fortunately there are a few very good options; Capture One Pro by Phase One being one of the top photo apps available today. Like Lightroom, Aperture, and even Photos, the purpose of Capture One Pro is to be a complete photo asset management tool and primary photo editor. You can always step out of your DAM into other apps, but ideally, we want to stay in one place as much as possible. Capture One Pro certainly delivers on this desire, and does it with tools that go beyond what you’ll find in nearly any other app. With a particular emphasis on quality over features, the editing tools found in Capture One Pro tend to be deep, complex and always with the focus of squeezing the last drop of quality from your photos possible. Those who use Capture One Pro (or C1 as it’s often referred to) swear by it. And of course if you’re a studio shooter, the tethering support in C1 is second to none. In this podcast, hear directly from David Grover, the Business Support & Development Manager at Phase One (the parent company) for Capture One Pro, and get a taste of just what this app has to offer.

Find out more about Phase One Capture One Pro at:


twitter: @CaptureOnePro

We hope you enjoy the PhotoApps.Expert podcast, and be sure to watch other episodes to learn about many of the other photo apps available today!