This week join Mike and Danny in duty free as they stock up on cheap booze and last minute tacky gifts and souvenirs. Danny picks up a rather jolly statuette of Apollo made entirely out of shells while Mike settles for a plastic image of Dionysus that vomits when you press its head. Yes, it’s class all the way with WTF on tour as we wave goodbye to the birthplace of philosophy and take our leave of Nesso, the itinerant antipodean philosopher. Seriously though, don’t hang about waiting in the departure lounge to wave us off, I hate long emotional farewells, it’s hardly a tragedy, you’ll see us again next week. I mean, as Hegel tells us, you need arrivals and departures to form a meaningful dialectic. Nobody is at fault here, right? Nobody has to gouge their eyes out, nobody is pointing the finger at anyone. Then again, I personally think that the Greek evzones is not a good look for Danny. There are very few places where tassels work, am I right?