This week, knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss and the truth will set you free. Let’s face it, who knows? Clearly Mike, Danny and Vanessa have no clue. Yes, we are still in Greece meeting with those kings of tragedy Euripides and Sophocles. We all know that, according to Aristotle tragedy engages us in catharsis and catharsis is a blend of pity and fear but aren’t we really just talking about high minded voyeurism here? The spectacle of other peoples misery with a chorus chanting out "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” while we all pass the popcorn round. So, listen in as Vanessa and Danny ruin classic Disney movies for all time and Mike taints Vanessa’s engagement joy by pointing out the tragic possibilities of romantic opportunities missed. All this and Danny blaming the Large Hadron Collider for our living in the darkest timeline. Don’t blame me, it’s you guys who come here week after week - what is the matter with you people??