On *Episode 15* of the Philosophical Weightlifting podcast I was joined by Zack Telander. Zack is a strength coach for the Texas A&M rugby team, a weightlifting coach, and competitive weightlifter.

Zack’s involvement with athletics began at a young age where eventually he went on to play lacrosse at the University of Vermont. After he graduated he picked up an internship working with the strength coaches at Northwestern University, which led him to developing the passion he has today for strength and power development.

In this episode we discussed many topics, but some of the main talking points were:
- Background information:athletic experience and education
- The most difficult aspect of training for Zack and people he has worked with
- Why Crossfit HQ fails to program successfully
- What a beginner weightlifter should know about: technique, programming, movement, and mobility
- Zack’s influences as a strength/weightlifting coach
- One thing you can do each day to change your life
- and much more

This was another awesome show guys and I am so excited to have had this opportunity. Thanks for listening and if you enjoy what you heard give us a like, share, and subscribe for future episodes.

Zack’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC94_fvLx7abZgs9LIkM7jxw

Here you can find all of the videos discussed during the podcast, including:
Crossfit's Programming Pitfall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL4Dx3tCCP4

Zack’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coach_zt/

Zack’s Email: [email protected]