On Episode 5 of the Philosophical Weightlifting podcast I am joined by Dr. Mike Israetel. Mike is a content contributor for JTS, co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, holds a PhD in Sport Physiology, and is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner. Mike's company, Renaissance Periodization, is dedicated to providing competitive and non-competitive athletes with scientifically backed methods of improving performance and altering body composition.

This was another awesome show guys and I am so excited to have this opportunity. Thanks for listening and if you enjoy what you heard give us a like, share, and subscribe for future episodes.

Renaissance Periodization’s website: https://renaissanceperiodization.com/
Mike's Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/michael.israetel
Mike’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rpdrmike/?hl=en

This episode is also downloadable on Itunes. Just search for:
"The Philosophical Weightlifting Podcast"