We have a limited number of ventilators. Who should get access to them? In this episode I talk to Lars Sandman. Lars is a Professor of Healthcare Ethics at Linköping University, Sweden. Lars’s research involves studying ethical aspects of distributing scarce resources within health care and studying and developing methods for ethical analyses of health-care procedures. We discuss the ethics of healthcare prioritisation in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, focusing specifically on some principles Lars, along with others, developed for the Swedish government.

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Show Notes

The prioritisation challenges we currently face
Ethical principles for prioritisation in healthcare
Problems with applying ethical theories in practice
Swedish legal principles on healthcare prioritisation
Principles for access to ICU during the COVID 19 pandemic
Do we prioritise younger people?
Chronological age versus biological age
Could we use a lottery principle?
Should we prioritise healthcare workers?
Impact of COVID 19 prioritisation on other healthcare priorities


Relevant Links

Lar's Webpage
Swedish Legal Principles
Background to the Swedish Law
New priority principles in Sweden (English Translation by Christian Munthe)
"Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions" by Persad, Werthheimer and Emanuel (good overview of the ethical debate)
The grim ethical dilemma of rationing medical care, explained - Vox.com

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