In this episode I talk to David Wood. David is currently the chair of the London Futurists group and a full-time futurist speaker, analyst, commentator, and writer. He studied the philosophy of science at Cambridge University. He has a background in designing, architecting, implementing, supporting, and avidly using smart mobile devices. He is the author or lead editor of nine books including, "RAFT 2035", "The Abolition of Aging", "Transcending Politics", and "Sustainable Superabundance". We chat about the last book on this list -- Sustainable Superabundance -- and its case for an optimistic future.

You can download the episode here or listen below. You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and other podcasting services (the RSS feed is here).

Show Notes

0:00 - Introduction

1:40 - Who are the London Futurists? What do they do?

3:34 - Why did David write Sustainable Superabundance?

7:22 - What is sustainable superabundance?

11:05 - Seven spheres of flourishing and seven types of superabundance?

16:16 - Why is David a transhumanist?

20:20 - Dealing with two criticisms of transhumanism: (i) isn't it naive and polyannish? (ii) isn't it elitist, inegalitarian and dangerous?

30:00 - Key principles of transhumanism

34:52 - How will we address energy needs of the future?

40:35 - How optimistic can we really be about the future of energy?

46:20 - Dealing with pessimism about food production?

52:48 - Are we heading for another AI winter?

1:01:08 - The politics of superabundance - what needs to change?


Relevant Links

David Wood on Twitter

London Futurists website

London Futurists Youtube

Sustainable Superabundance by David

Other books in the Transpolitica series

To be a machine by Mark O'Connell

Previous episode with James Hughes about techno-progressive transhumanism

Previous episode with Rick Searle about the dark side of transhumanism

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