When summer rears its oppressive head of high humidity and heat, fellow runners must take to the road with the solar conditions in mind and heed the warnings to ensure a safe and comfortable run.  Acclimatization is an important precursor to taking to the hotter than usual roads, and the better our bodies can adapt to the heat, the greater our performance will be once we put these bodies to the test in a race.
There will come a day when, here in the Northeast, the days will shorten, the leaves will fall and the cold harsh reality of winter will settle around us: but not today, because today the earth tilts sunward in our favor, today the road heats up and our bodies have to adapt to the time before us: because our running goes on despite the conditions that exist outside our doors: we are runners, this is what we do, and our bodies have the incredible ability to adapt to the climate which occurs here in the summertime.
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Fdip Blog of the Week: The song “Summertime” was by Brother Love