Ours is a social network of fellow runners who are using new media and the power of what has become known as Web 2.0 – a second generation of web development and design that facilitates communication, collaboration and above all: sharing of thoughts, opinions, observations and yes, even rambling diatribes.
There’s this question that philosophers and scientists, artists, writers and dreamers have asked for many centuries when they looked above into the heavens.  That question is this: ARE WE ALONE?
The question is intended to inquire about the validity of the Drake equation and the possibility of intelligent life, or any life on worlds other than our own.  It’s a question that, in it’s asking, evokes a sense of loneliness, as if we are adrift on a tiny blue bubble in space, far from communities in distant galaxies.  If I had to guess, I’d say that there is life out there, and very likely intelligent life of some kind: I just don’t think our world and even the life that swarms upon it is entirely unique and special.  If life got started here, it has to have started elsewhere, that’s just good science in search of good evidence.
But the notion that we are alone?  That’s just silly, because as long as we have each other…as long as there are ways for us to experience a community together: no matter where on the tiny blue bubble we stand, we cannot and will not be alone.  That’s more than just good science and logical reasoning: that’s a functioning reality based on many lines of evidence, not the least of which is found in the obvious fact that you’re listening to me right now on a podcast called Phedippidations, and many of us are running, together.
Show Links:Fdip Blog of the Week: Featured PodCast: Lagan Runner PodcastThe song “Foot in Your Door” was by Geoff Smith at