This episode will serve as proof that I’m an totally independent new media producer, and will guarantee that I never get that huge contract with a major running shoe label.   But when running shoe companies  enable their outsourced suppliers to treat their workers poorly, in unhealthy working conditions for long hours with wages that hardly allow them to feed and shelter their families…they are being evil…either by direction or failure.
You and I can support the fight for human rights and the environment every day with our dollars…by purchasing products and services sold only by those companies and businesses who treat their workers with dignity and promote the basic human rights to life, liberty, freedom of expression, equality before the law and in society, the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education along with ensuring that the production of goods does not negatively impact the environment.
My expose here about some of the major running shoe manufacturers in operation today will most assuredly guarantee that I will never earn millions of dollars on this podcast through an advertizing contract with any of these companies…but morality dictates that I consider the big picture…and I’m going to do my best, in this episode of Phedippidations, to be honest, truthful and above all independent when it comes to giving you the 4-1-1 on what are, and are not responsible shoes.
Show Links:Fdip Blog of the Week: The song “Not Responsible” was by Laura Clapp