One of the most emotionally charged, hot-button topics in American politics today is the fierce debate surrounding guns.  The two sides are defined primarily by diametrically opposing ideologies about civilian gun ownership. People who advocate for gun control, support increasing regulations related to gun ownership and people who advocate for gun rights, support decreasing regulations related to gun ownership. Sounds simple enough. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

These groups often disagree on the interpretation of laws and court cases related to firearms as well as about the effects of firearms regulation regarding crime, public safety and freedom. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is often cited as the heart of the matter. 

Debates regarding firearm availability and gun violence in the United States have been characterized by concerns about the Right to Bear Arms and the responsibility of the United States Government to serve the needs of its citizens and to prevent crime and deaths. Firearm Regulation supporters say that indiscriminate or unrestricted gun rights inhibit the government from fulfilling that responsibility, and causes a safety concern.

Gun rights supporters promote the idea that self-defense is a personal responsibility and should be used as protection against a tyrannical Government. It is the responsibility of the Government to protect the rights of its citizens. Gun rights supporters promote a heavy emphasis on self-reliance, self-defense and individual freedom. 

Firearm regulation advocates state that restricting and tracking gun access would result in safer communities, and that any potential loss of individual rights would be justified. They  believe that firearms belong only in hands of trained professionals within military and law enforcement. And individual self-defense does not require a firearm when we have these groups in place to protect us. 

While gun rights advocates state that increased firearm ownership by law-abiding citizens reduces crime and assert that not only have criminals always had easy access to firearms, but also that over regulation can be a “slippery slope” that leads to gun confiscation. Shall we give up our individual rights in order to serve the greater good?

You decide.

6:30 Stats/Mass Shootings
10:30 Social and Cultural Analysis
16:40 Legislation and Comprehension
18:50 The Second Amendment
26:57 Militias
31:00 Arming Teachers?
48:00 More Data Needed
50:05 Police Reform/Militarization
1:07:00 Assault Rifle?
1:16:50 Ban?
1:25:13 Drugs
1:31:55 Disarmament?
1:38:38 Strange Solutions?

Gun Facts
Mass Shootings
8 Stubborn Facts

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