Could someone you know, or even yourself, have fallen victim to the power of subconscious suggestion? Or even have hidden, programmed identities locked deep within the mind? Is that even possible?

Over the decades the American population has come to understand that mind control works on a sliding scale and can come in many forms. From everyday information control that we see in the corporate mainstream media to full fledged brainwashing, drugs and hypnosis in their attempts to achieve their intended goal of full control.

It’s been over 60 years since America’s introduction to the future of warfare was revealed to no longer be on some distant battlefield in some foriegn country, but rather, within the human mind itself. 

We know that CIA Director Allen Dulles’ “Brain Warfare” Speech kicked off the MK-ULTRA program but that was over 60 years ago. And does anyone think they stopped in ‘75 after the Church Committee hearings? What other interesting aspects of control were overlooked, misconstrued or even flat out omitted from the American people?

In this episode of Phase2Phase we will go deeper down the Mind Control Rabbit Hole and explore more creepy techniques, technology, and pioneers of total control. As well as just how prevalent this phenomenon is in modern American culture. And does any of it affect you and your family? And if so, is  there anything that you can do? Just how deep does the rabbit hole go?

You decide.

Please note: This episode features explicit language and content

00:00 Intro/Reflections
04:10 Why mind control/Terms
11:20 Mk Ultra History Recap
23:21 Trauma-based Mind Control/Dissociative Identity Disorder
26:52 Monarch Programming/ Epigenetic Memory
40:30 ALPHA
41:08 BETA
43:25 DELTA
 44:40 THETA
47:35 Jose DelGado
1:00:05 BF Skinner
1:04:30 Edward Bernays
1:09:35 Col. Michael Aquino
1:14:15 JADE HELM 15
1:19:00 Cybernetics- "The Human Use of Human Beings"
1:23:50 Take away/Outro

Two Key Things That Got Overlooked
The Psychology of Control
The Minds of Men


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