Do you feel uneasy about the technological direction humanity is going?  Like humanity is meddling with forces beyond our feeble comprehension? From Skynet’s Terminators to the matrix in… The Matrix, Sci-Fi Pop Culture has showed  us time and again that AI sentience will ultimately have dire consequences for humanity.

In the coming decades, robots and artificial intelligence will fundamentally change our world. In doing so, they offer to many optimists the hope of a golden future.  To others, a dark dystopian look of days to come.

In this episode, we analyze the impact of robots on the labor market, people’s attitudes to robots, the impact of robots on society, and the appropriate policies our society should pursue to prepare our world for the Robot Revolution.

Should life imitate art? Will this future of household robots and universal AI integration usher in a new golden era of productivity and prosperity?  Or will our collective robo-paranoia prove to be warranted?

You decide.

"I for one welcome our new robot overlords"

00:00 Intro/Terms
07:41 Who builds these robots... besides DARPA?
09:48 Robot History/ Different Kinds of Robots
14:17 Powered Exoskeleton Suit
15:58 Robot Animals of the Military
24:58 Androids
36:21 A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
44:20 Neuralink, Elon Musk, and Transhumanism
47:54 "They took err jobs!" (Worker Automation)
51:06 AI Generated News Articles
55:55 Porn and Prostitution
1:00:32 The Nature of Consciousness
1:03:30 Robots in Politics
1:07:02 The Future of Robots (Nano bots and Cyborgs)
1:09:43 "Kaczynski Was Right!"

Elon Musk warns about AI
Scary AI moments
Beyond Sex Robots
Relationships with Robots
Slavery VS Property
Proof of Sentience
Adam Savage Tests Spot
How Boston Dynamics' Spot Works
Goo Backs "Took err jabs!"
What is Consciousness?


Link Tree




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