Ever wonder if the news we're getting can really be trusted? The term 'Fake News' was not a term many people used just a few years ago, but is now seen by many as one of the greatest threats to democracy, free debate and the very concept of truth and reason in western society.
Some news stories are powerful enough to completely change the political landscape and even shift the balance of power by capture the heart and fogging the mind. With the old guard media gradually begins to die and give way to the new 24-hour digital news cycle era of alternative media, the news wars rage on vehemently.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a recent law which allows punishment of individuals with fines and jail time for the spreading of Fake News. The UK, Ireland and other European countries have strict speech laws closely guarding against the possibility of Liable or Slander. Will the US soon follow suit in order to combat the scourge of Fake News? Do the American people posses the potential to wield this great power of free speech with the responsibility necessary to have a successful open society where people can write and say whatever they want without causing great harm? Will the last bastion of free speech in the Western world soon sacrifice it's sacred freedoms for the greater good? Will the increased calls for censorship and de-platforming coming from the political far-left be the reason we change our first and most fundamental principle of speech?

You decide.

"We'll know our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false"- CIA director William Casey

Please note: This episode features explicit language and content

Full Context
Twitter Bias?
Covington Kid Lawsuit
To Sell A War (Gulf War '92)
McNamara admits it didn't happen (Gulf of Tonkin)
The Gulf of Tonkin Lie
Lusitania cargo hold
Dark secrets of the Lusitania
Uniformity of Narrative-


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