Ever wonder about some of the more fantastic and gruesome details of history's most notorious assassinations? 

Even the very attempt can spark a wave of chaotic change in the average citizen’s everyday life. Today, Americans are no longer skeptical of the claims that our own government has assassinated foreign leaders and participated in shady black-operations known as “Executive Action.” 

CIA Assassinations range from the numerous and well-documented attempts to take out Fidel Castro to shadowy unproven conspiracies to kill other world leaders. Whether they need some poison toothpaste and radioactive cigar,  or to make a fake sex-tape to embarrass a communist ruler, or simply push Frank Olsen out of a window and make it look like a suicide, the CIA is who America calls.

Other ambitious individuals and organizations throughout human history have had similar shenanigans with varying ranges of success. Each with their own set of facts and unique motivations.

Assassinations are perhaps the quickest and easiest way to enact immediate and monumental change that will forever ripple through the course of human history. But should democratic governments take such a hands-on approach in order to maintain and protect their country’s vested interests? Or should they take a more isolationist approach a sort-of ‘Prime Directive” style of non-involvement by respecting other nation’s sovereignty?

You decide.

Buckwheat Shot
Project Azorian
Operation Paper Clip
Flight 455

Due to time restraints we were unable to discuss other bizarre and interesting Projects/Operations. Some as strange and spurious as the legendary black operation we discussed in our 1st podcast on MK ULTRA.

For additional info, check out-
-Operation Popeye (weather manipulation)
-Project Blue Beam (alien invasion psy-op)
-Operation Jade Helm (co-intel pro, mastering the human domain)
-Project Thor (kinetic orbital strike satellite weapon)
-Operation Starfish Prime (high-altitude aerial nuclear weapons testing)
-Project Camelot (American foreign counterinsurgency)
-Operation Unthinkable (Anti-Soviet Military Pan)




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