This is part 2 of my 3-part series featuring interviews with Women Pharmacists who have businesses in the beauty space. Today’s episode is an interview with Dr. Danielle Perrodin.  Dr. Leslie Hodge will be on the show on July 22, 2022, and Dr. Dimple Gandhi kicked off the series last week (July 8, 2022) in episode 160.  Thank you Dimple for inspiring me to create this series!  Thank you Dimple, Danielle, and Leslie for making it a great series!! ♥️♥️♥️

Thank you for listening to episode 161 of The Pharmacist’s Voice ® Podcast!

To read the full show notes, visit  Click on the podcast tab, and search for episode 161.  

Bio for Danielle Perrodin, Integrative Life & Style Coach:   

My mission is to help women create happier, healthier more beautiful lives. By integrating the mind, body, and spirit, my clients expedite the time it takes to close the gap between their highest authentic selves (who they truly are) and how they appear to the world. I combine my love for fashion and understanding of how the brain works to give my clients unique tools to style their mind and body in order to learn how to Be Her(£) Now!

At an early age, I learned that life is too short.  Two separate car crashes took away my stepdaughter and husband.  After becoming a pharmacist, remarrying, and having 3 beautiful children, I found myself in a state of depression. Having fallen into the achievement trap of delaying happiness and gratification led me to quickly search out who I really was and reconnect to my love and passion for the beauty industry.  I pushed through fears and broke through my comfort zone, and I now have the honor of lighting the way for other women to follow. I enjoy collaborating with other like-minded individuals.  

Self Healing Master member since 2020

Business of Style by Kate Taylor. 2020

Certified Knowledge Business Blueprint by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. 2020

Certified Style School and Virtual Style Mastery by Kate Taylor. 2020

Certified Integrative Life Coach by Kim Guillory. 2019

Certified Business of Style.  Love E Fashion Academy 2019

Acadiana Fashion Week Sponsor 2018-2022

Doctorate of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana. 2005

Links from this episode

Danielle’s email [email protected]

Danielle’s business website 

Free 3-Day Integrative Closet Edit email series:

Danielle’s Instagram page

Danielle’s Facebook page

Facebook Group

LinkedIn Dr. Danielle Perrodin 

LinkedIn Dr. Leslie Hodge 

Dimple Gandhi’s Linkedin Profile: 

The Pharmacist’s Voice Podcast Episode 160 with Dimple Gandhi, PharmD

PharmaSis Magazine featuring Dr. Danielle Perrodin (August 2021)

The Biology of Belief:  Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles by Bruce Lipton, PhD

🖥Check out Kim’s websites, and connect with her on social media!

✅Business website

✅The Pharmacist’s Voice ® Podcast

✅Pronounce Drug Names Like a Pro © Online Course   






✅ACX (Audiobook Narrator Profile)

Start a podcast with the same coach who helped me get started (Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting)! **Affiliate Link**

Highlights from our conversation

Danielle Perrodin, LLC offers a “Be her be here” program.  Her ideal clients are women functional medicine pharmacists and individuals in the holistic wellness realm who want to promote themselves online and put their face in front of their business. 

Some women don’t feel comfortable putting themselves out there to be seen. Danielle helps with that by first helping women clean clothes out their closets.  Then, she works on mindset issues and pivots from clothing to addressing those mindset issues.  Many pharmacists have self-worth issues, and Danielle understands that.  She’s a pharmacist too.  Danielle has training as an integrative life coach in the mind-body-spirit connection.  She knows how to support clients in mind, body, and spirit.

If you are interested in working with Danielle, check out her website  There are several ways to get in touch with her for a consult.  For example, fill out the contact form on her website, and she will get in touch with you.  Or, email her directly:  [email protected].  You can also connect with Danielle on LinkedIn.

The book The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, PhD inspired Danielle.  It talked about energy medicine at a time that she needed to hear about it.

Danielle’s motto used to be, “Life sucks, and then you die.”  It changed when she became an integrative life coach.  Now, her mottos is, “Life is too short.” She wants to do things that are fun and light-hearted.

Danielle mentioned her feature in PharmaSis MagazineDr. Leslie Hodge styled Danielle for the feature.

“Clothing can be an entry point into the mind,” according to Danielle.  She helps people be present with their clothing and think about if they use it or if they should toss it.  She also helps them create a vision for who they want to be and how that person wants to dress.  Decluttering can make physical space and mental space.  Her clients say, “Oh my God, I didn't know this could just change my life. Why didn’t I do this sooner?”  Closet clean-outs can even be done via Zoom!

“Capsule wardrobes” help people who don’t dress up often but need to look good for a specific reason, like a conference. 

Danielle’s three “F’s” are, “Fit, function, and feeling.”  Your wardrobe should fit; be functional; and make you feel good.  

Danielle knows the right questions to ask her clients.  For example, she asks, “Do you ever see yourself wearing this again? Does it fit? Is it in decent shape? Does it have holes in it?”  Questions help Danielle find the low-hanging fruit.  Once clients get started, they are excited and use that momentum to finish their decluttering session with Danielle.  Freeing up space facilitates discussion about the future.  

It’s ok to share your casual side and your business side on social media.  You don’t have to pick one or the other.  Just be authentic.  Your posts should be in alignment with who you truly are.

Danielle works part-time in an inpatient Behavioral Health Hospital.  Her 2023 goal is to work 75% in her Integrative Life & Style Coach Business and only 25% as a pharmacist.  

In September 2022, Danielle is hosting her 4th Annual Disconnect to Reconnect Retreat. The purpose is to disconnect from the noise and the hustle and bustle of the world and to reconnect to yourself.  Participants spend time with their inner voice, share space with like-minded individuals, and be creative.  The 2022 D2R Retreat is sold out, but there is a wait list for the 2023 Retreat.  To learn more, visit

I asked Danielle, “How does anyone understand that they need to come to you?”  She said, “Usually, when they have too many clothes in their closet!”  

✅They’re frustrated with having nothing to wear.  

✅They keep throwing money at the problem, but it’s not solving the problem.  

✅They know that they need to try something different, and they’re open to not knowing exactly what it is.  

Danielle has helped many people.  Her advice is: declutter your closets and your mind at the same time.  It can literally can change your life!

If you would like to connect with Dr. Danielle Perrodin, reach out through LinkedIn

Thank you for listening to The Pharmacist’s Voice ® Podcast Episode 161!  Please subscribe/follow on your favorite podcast player and YouTube for all future episodes.  Join me next week for my interview with Dr. Leslie Hodge, and check out my interview with Dr. Dimple Gandhi.  

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