Mentioned in this episode with Don Baarns

Whisper Room 

Studio Bricks 

Podcast Review Show with Dave Jackson and Erik K. Johnson 

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✅ACX (Audiobook Narrator Profile)

After a very NOISY 4th of July holiday with fireworks 🎇, I thought noise would be a good topic for the podcast today.  Noise, noise pollution, audio landmines…They’re all great words to describe the unwanted sounds I DON’T want in my audio when I record projects. Producing clean audio is important to my clients, so it’s important to me. 

I talk about noises I struggle in this episode so that you understand the challenges narrators and voice actors face.  If you’re not a narrator or a voice actor, you may still find value in this episode.  Maybe you’re a podcaster, an online course creator, or someone who presents content another way online, like being a speaker at an online conference.  You might find this episode eye-opening so you can change your recording environment or practices for the better.  

Noises are distracting, and they diminish the listener experience.  It can be hard to concentrate on what I’m saying when you can also hear noise in the background. Which noises do I struggle with?  Some noises come from my body.  Others come from things I wear.  Vehicles create noise.  Mother Nature does too.  Machines outside my home make noise.  Some noises come from inside my house.  Noises also come from my computer, critters, and unexpected places.  

In this episode, I also talk about strategies to help, like recording in a windowless room containing sound-absorbing material, using common sense, waiting for sounds to pass, finding patterns to noises, listening to coaches and audio engineers, removing noises with iZotope RX8 audio repair software, and knowing when to quit for the day.  

Thank you for listening to episode 104 of The Pharmacist’s Voice Podcast.  Please share this podcast!  

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