There are a number of stories, clichés, and unpopular opinions in this episode.  I hope they help the profession of pharmacy and you as an individual pharmacist.    

Thank you for listening to episode 130 of The Pharmacist’s Voice ® Podcast!  ✌🏻

Mentioned in this episode

The Pharmacist’s Voice Podcast Episode 4:  Mistakes I have made (Includes a story about my exit from community practice)

Bled Tanoe, PharmD LinkedIn Profile (#pizzaisnotworking Founder)

The Serpent’s Shadow (Kane Chronicles Series Book 3) by Rick Riordan

Amazon Pharmacy

Building a StoryBrand:  Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller

Read the full show notes at The Pharmacist’s Voice ® Podcast


The story of 1+1=4.  A story about nail holes in a fence. I compare the pharmacy profession to Camelot.  Sir Galahad might end up saving the pharmacy profession (not someone practicing now). “Knowledge of any value can’t be given.  It must be sought and earned.”  - Rick Riordan, The Serpent’s Shadow (Kane Chronicles Series Book 3) I compare Amazon Pharmacy to a natural disaster (like a tornado) and everyone else in the pharmacy profession to survivors who band together to survive and thrive.   Pharmacists sometimes act like someone has the answer and they’re withholding it. Advice:  get it right.  Don’t try to be right. You don’t have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt.  You have an obligation to play the heck out of the ones you’re holding. Nobody is coming to save you.  Get up.  Be your own hero, and be your patient’s guide.   Find people you trust, and listen to them.  1 + 1 = 4 when you work together.  I internalized this equation as a parent of a child with autism even thought I heard the story when I was I kid.    

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