In this episode of Speaking Of Medtech we discuss the Medical Device User Fee Amendments, or MDUFA, the negotiations for which come around every five years. The MDUFA V talks between industry and the US FDA appear with the inevitability of an unloved season – it seems no one is ever terribly excited to engage in the user-fee process. Here, we break things down.

Medtech Insight articles addressing topics discussed in this episode:
FDA Official: Uptick In PMA, 510(k) Applications Calls For More User Fee Dollars

MDUFA IV Report: US FDA Needs To Publish Digital Health Guidance

US FDA’s Shuren Promises MDUFA Update ‘Relatively Soon’

MDUFA V: Industry, FDA Tangle Over TAP Program, Agency Finances, Reinstatement Of Fifth-Year Offset Funds

MDUFA V: FDA And Industry Still At Odds Over Carryover Funds, Vacancies, Meeting Commitments