Mel and I connected straight away because of her amazing ability to go straight to the deeply vulnerable place in her and invite me to meet her there. I loved this conversation. Mel shares openly and honestly about leading herself through life that has seen its share of hardship, managing depression, her father's suicide attempt and her breakdown to breakthrough. Despite all of this and as Mel shares, because of all of this, she has grown to embrace the human BEing journey and believes that all of life is truly a gift that she is thankful for.

Mel is a 6/2 Emotional Manifesting generator and is living her life so authentically and is one of the rare humans that is actually embodying her work with such grace and humility that’s humbling to witness.

I know you’ll love Mel and this conversation as much as I did.

Enjoy x

Melonie Taylor BIO

Success on Purpose came about as Melonie asked herself “What is the Purpose of Life?” Whilst working in palliative care as a nurse for 18 years supporting people to die well and also a time in her life when she was struggling with depression, anxiety and feeling unfulfilled this question kept arising. Although she was making a difference in the lives of others, Melonie didn’t know how to make a difference in her own life. Melonie is on the journey of learning how to be a Human Being instead of a Human Doing and supporting High Achievers to do the same and thrive.

Email: [email protected]


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