With the holiday season in full swing, we plan to spend vacations with long-distance families--and we want to include our fur-kids in the festivities. But many airlines are no longer such "friendly skies" when it comes to travel with pets. Passengers rarely know they share cabin space with a pet; human travelors are noisier, more pungent, and aggravating. Yet the pet's ticket costs double or more the price of a human, even when Fluffy rides under the seat as carry-on, and never gets a free snack! So what's the big hairy deal? Join frequent pet-flier Patie Ventre for her take on the state of pet travel, and a call for frequent flier miles for globe-trotting pets.

More details on this episode MP3 Podcast -Clipping Their Wings: The Grounding of America's Pets with Amy Shojai on Pet Life Radio