Holy inspiration! Did you miss episode 1? Make sure you do!! Shanna Peeples, the 2015 National Teacher of the Year, joins the the show for part 2 of our 2 part series with her! She is a former Secondary English teacher, department chair, and instructional coach at Amarillo ISD in Amarillo, Texas.  Currently she is a doctoral candidate for Education Leadership at Harvard!

Episode 7 Part 2: Shanna Peeples: 2015 National Teacher of the Year, Doctoral Candidate at Harvard, and Author

Our guest for our 2 part mini series of episode 7 is Shanna Peeples.

Here is a link to episode 1 if you missed it!!

Shanna the 2015 National Teacher of the Year and is a former Secondary English teacher, department chair, and instructional coach at Amarillo ISD in Amarillo, Texas.  Currently she is a doctoral candidate for Education Leadership at Harvard!

She is the co-author of The Best Lesson Series: Literature: 15 Master Teachers Share What Works.  

Here newest book comes out early in 2018 called: Think Like Socrates: Inviting Curiosity and Critical Thinking Into The Classroom

Coming in January of 2018, she will be publishing her first book: Think Like Socrates: Inviting Curiosity and Critical Thinking Into The Classroom.

“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us” – Aristotle

In this episode we discuss:

2015 National Teacher of the Year

What is it like to win
What was the process like
Learning experiences

Her new book – Think Like Socrates: Inviting Curiosity and Critical Thinking Into The Classroom
Her Perspective on Education

Please share and comment!  Would love to get feedback and suggestions.  If you are interested in sharing your story, please reach out to us!