Dr. Monica Burns is a Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator and Founder of ClassTechTips.com. She joins us to discuss her new book #FormativeTech: Meaningful, Sustainable, and Scalable Formative Assessment With Technology. In this episode we discuss: pioneering 1 to 1 devices, great apps for education (Nearpod, Explain Everything, Adobe Spark Post), what is formative assessment?, how does data comes into play when planning for a lesson or parent teacher conferences, and how to not be overwhelmed with implementing technology in your classroom.

Episode 5: Educator, EdTech Consultant and Classroom Technology Advocate

Our guest for episode 5 is Monica Burns.

Dr. Monica Burns is a Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator and Founder of ClassTechTips.com.  As an educator, Monica was part of her school’s Federal Magnet Funding leadership team and was a vocal advocate for bringing 1:1 technology into her 5th grade classroom. During her tenure as a classroom teacher, Monica used iPads to create engaging, differentiated learning experience to meet the unique needs of her students. Realizing the power of tech tools in the classroom, Monica started ClassTechTips.com to provide a resource for educators and administrators on implementing EdTech in the classroom.

In this episode we discuss:

Pioneering 1 to 1 devices
Great Apps for Education

Explain Everything
Adobe Spark Post

Technology and its rule in Life and Education
What is Formative Assessment?
How does data comes into play when planning for a lesson or parent teacher conferences.
How to not be overwhelmed with implementing technology in your classroom
#FormativeTech: Meaningful, Sustainable, and Scalable Formative Assessment With Technology

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