Episode 3 welcomes Lead Like a Pirate authors Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf! Shelley is served as an award-winning teacher, principal, Director of Student Achievement, and Assistant Superintendent of Educational Leadership. Beth is the co-author of Lead Like a Pirate and is passionate about developing schools that encourage high levels of learning and empowerment for all… schools where students and staff are running to get in, not out!

Episode 3: Lead Like a Pirate

Our guests for episode 3 were Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf.

Shelley has served as an award-winning teacher, principal, Director of Student Achievement, and Assistant Superintendent of Educational Leadership. Her highly respected work focuses on building leadership capacity through coaching, collaboration, and building a positive culture of change which leads to dramatic improvements in teaching and learning. She now works as a full-time partner in Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. and is the co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators and Lead Like a Pirate.

Beth is a middle school principal passionate about innovative and transformational leadership to maximize school culture and student and staff learning. Beth is an eMINTS (enhancing Missouri’s Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies) trained educator. She is a facilitator for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Leadership Academy, providing monthly professional development to state educational leaders through the integration of 21st century learning skills.  Beth is also passionate about developing schools that encourage high levels of learning and empowerment for all… schools where students and staff are running to get in, not out!  She is the co-author of Lead Like a Pirate.

In this episode we discuss:

Why being a LEADER is so important
Strategies to improve leadership
Quotes and inspirations from the book
What Shelley and Beth learned from writing the book
What their perspectives on education are
Leadership… The Biggest Issue in Education by Jimmy Casas

Please share and comment!  Would love to get feedback and suggestions.  If you are interested in sharing your story, please reach out to us!

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