Are you hurt in a motor vehicle accident and require a Car Accident Lawyer? Follow these 4 Tips to Boost Your Settlement

Tip 1: Look For Injuries and Call 911

If you are physically able, check any guests in your vehicle and the occupants of the other lorry for injuries. Then call 911, even if the vehicles aren't terribly damaged.

Do not let the other chauffeur talk you out of calling 911. Don't accept any arrangements with the other chauffeur, even if they ask you not to call police or to leave the insurer out of it.

Tell the 911 dispatcher:

Your location, including neighbouring landmarks
If you or anybody else is hurt, was tossed from the cars and truck, or is trapped in the wreckage.

Tip 2: Watch What You State

While waiting on assistance to show up, make an affordable effort to comfort the hurt. Prevent making any statements that can be utilized against you later, such as, "I'm sorry" or "I didn't see you."

Never confess to fault, even if you think you made a mistake. Keeping quiet is not dishonest. The fact is, you don't have sufficient details about all the elements, including what the other motorist did or didn't do, that contributed to the mishap.

Tip 3: Seek Immediate Medical Treatment

Some injuries are painfully apparent, like bleeding cuts and broken bones. Other injuries can be difficult to see and potentially dangerous, like traumatic brain injuries and internal bleeding.

This isn't the time to be brave. Never decline medical treatment at the scene.

Don't make excuses or joke about your signs. Tell emergency responders about every symptom, even if you think it's mild like a headache or blurred vision. If paramedics want to transport you to the healthcare facility, go with them.

If you weren't taken directly to the medical facility from the scene, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after the accident, preferably the same day. If your personal medical service provider isn't available, go the nearby emergency situation department or urgent care centre.

Refusing or postponing medical treatment can seriously undermine your injury claim. The insurance provider will jump at the opportunity to deny your claim, arguing that your injuries weren't caused by the mishap.

Tip 4: Gather Evidence to Support Your ICBC Claim Settlement

Write down the motorist's complete name and address. Request an e-mail address, and house, work, and cell phone numbers.

Request the names and contact information for residents of the other car. Although in a lot of locations they aren't required to cooperate with you, they can't stop you from making notes on your own. Make a note of the appearance and age of occupants, obvious injuries, and your impression of their behaviour.

Photos and videos taken at the scene can be compelling proof. You can never have too many images. If you don't have a camera helpful, utilize your mobile phone. Take as many pictures and videos as you securely can.

Photos and videos make it difficult for others associated with the crash to alter their stories later on.

Individuals who saw the crash aren't required to remain, but you're totally free to speak to any possible witness to learn if they saw anything that may assist your claim.

If you find a cooperative witness, inquire to document what they saw. Have them sign and date their statement and include their contact information.

Following These steps will help our lawyers do the best work for you in the long term. 

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